Award Winning AI Company

Integrate Yobi WithSlack.

Get instantly notified of all incoming calls, missed calls, incoming messages, and voicemail on any Slack channel.

slack integration yobi

Connect Your Slack channels

Have a reliable busines phone app connected with your Slack channels.

Instant Notifications

Get notified on your chosen Slack channels for calls, text messages, and more.

Reduce Missed Communications

Improve relationships and keep tabs of customer communication from where your are spending your time most.

Benefits of Yobi's Slack Integration.

Missed Call Notifications

By sharing one business phone, anyone from your team can answer customer calls wherever.

Voicemail Notifications

Get notified instantly of voicemails left on your business phone.

Text Notifications

You can reply to text messages right from your chosen Slack channel.

Instantly in Slack

Keep informed of customer interactions, whether you're at your desk or on the move.

With Yobi you can connect your Slack channels and instantly get notified of new text messages, calls, and voicemails.

Integrate Social Media Channels

  Login to Yobi with your username and password.

  Go to Settings >Integrations and click Slack.

  Choose which Slack channel you’d like to add Yobi and get notifications.
Integrate Slack
Integrate Social Media Channels Slack

 Once connected, the window will reload and you will see that the Slack integration is marked as “linked”

  Now you can receive instant notifications of new text messages, calls, and voicemails on your Slack channel!

  Don’t forget: You can assign a team member to a conversation by adding users to your account.

Slack Chat
Slack Setting

 To unlink the Slack channel, simply go back to Integrations and click Unlink.

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